Thursday, May 26, 2011

A moment in time.

So,I was browsing my ph.oto.buc.ket yesterday for a picture of Julianna at 15 months,and I happened across this one.

This is my little soldier,at 15 months old,sitting in daddy's bag before he left for Iraq in 2008. Now,we are about to welcome Erik home from his 3rd deployment!
It amazes me that my little gal is so strong and brave. We,as a generation,can't truly understand what our army kids are facing. WW2 was over well before our parents would have served,and so having dad off to war is a "new" thing. For me,not growing up around military at ALL,this has been a huge lifestyle change for me. Even 10 years later,I'm learning new things about the Army/Military all the time. I guess I really admire Julianna. She's just 4 years old,but already been through 2 full years without her dad. I know it hurts sometimes. I know it does!

I love her so,so much,and I'm thankful that God has given me such a precious gift to treasure while Erik's away. I can't wait to show of homecoming pictures from this go round,it will be here before we know it.

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