Saturday, May 2, 2009

A jumbling.

-We are leaving for Disney in 1 week! Wow,I feel like we have so much to do before we leave. We are dropping Erik's truck off at MAACO on Friday to be painted. Saturday morning,we are leaving Austin at the vet and then heading for Florida. We've decided to make it a 2 day trip since we have a 2yr. old with us. I think we're going to stop somewhere in Georgia on the first day,and then check in at Disney Sunday morning.

-Erik is in Asheville this weekend,visiting his dad. He is in the hospital there for a mild heart attack,and since it's only about 6 hours away,Erik wanted to go for a visit. He surprised his dad yesterday morning,and he was so excited.

-Unfortunately,Anna figured out something weird was going on,and gave me pure T HELL yesterday. Seriously,I barely made it to bedtime yesterday. From the moment she woke up,she screamed,just screamed. NO go play! NO be good! No eat yunch! NO take nap! NO bath! NO go to bed! NO get 'panking!Where Daddy??! Wahhhh!! It went like that allllllll day yesterday. I really hate days like that. I feel so...inadequate as a mother. Everyone has bad days,though. Erik's already promised me that he will be on Daddy duty all day Monday so I can get out a little bit. She has been slightly better today,although she's been in her room for time-out 3 times. I guess that's not so bad for it being only noon. Eye Roll Pictures, Images and Photos

-It has been raining for 2 days here. Our yard is flooded. We can't go outside to play or anything. This is realllly bad. Getting outside and running off steam is the only one to get Anna calmed down.

-Let's see...Austin got his first bath of the year. He also got his neck stuck the carpet somehow and had to be 'freed.' I got a haircut,but I will have to reserve my opinion for a few days. It's in like an A-line bob,but curly,of course. I need to dye it this week,too. Hmh,I have 7 loads of laundry to fold sitting on top of the dryer.

Ok,time to go fix the beast some lunch and get her ready for nap. I'll be back later with some new pics!

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