He was on TDY to Fort Polk,LA earlier this week,so today was the first day he's been home,and we had a list of things to do. One thing we really need to accomplish is opening an account at a local bank. One,because we need a local notary to do our paperwork! It's getting expensive taking all of our paperwork to the Probate Judge to get notarized. Also,we need a local bank to make sure our finances are in order while we're gone.However, every bank we've called either won't notarize paper outside of bank documents,or can't seem to figure out how to order brand new bills that we need to take when we travel. Yikes. So,we haven't made much head way there,but we hope to have something accomplished this week.
We also have to go and renew the lease to our house tomorrow. We've been working on this for about 6 weeks now,and I am SO glad it's coming to an end. If we weren't in the middle of this adoption,we would have moved on post,but we already had this address entered into numerous documents,and we couldn't transfer everything. Let me just say,we will live on post from every post now on unless we absolutely CAN'T. It's been such a hassle living off post.
And,because we are crazy about this baby,and want to bring him home without going into debt,I've been selling things out of our house like crazy,and we are trading vehicles. I'll share more about that later,but it's taken up a lot of time.
The girls are being so great during all of this shuffling around. Usually,we are very on schedule with them,but the past few weeks we have them out late at times,and off their eating/sleeping schedules. I think this is actually good for them,when the baby comes home,we don't know what we will be facing. There could be lots of doctors visits,hospital time.etc. They need to be adaptable. Also,this is VERY good practice for me,because I need to learn to be more prepared with snacks/drinks/activities so their brains don't turn to mush while they're waiting for mommy and daddy to do paperwork. :)
Just want to thank y'all for following along with us on this great story God is weaving in our lives. We are so excited to see each door open on this journey,and above all,we pray that God gets the glory for ALL of it. This is all for His splendor. Thank you,friends!
God bless you for your kind heart!Help the little boy to have a family!
We are joining you in prayer.
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